Monday, 25 July 2011

Back in good health

I've been away for awhile seeing I just had my wisdom teeth extracted. I decided to get all 4 of them done seeing that I would rather deal with all of them now rather than have to come back and do it all over again.

It was a good decision on my part seeing that it was a bit of a pain (both literally, and physically) due to the fact that it took three kinds of anesthetics to put me to sleep, injection , gas then an IV, when I finally woke up I had been moved to a different room and I didnt even realize I was out cold for about 2 hours (3 if you count the hour it took for the extraction). Totally felt fine when I got up, no swelling which was great news...... right well only temporarily the swelling finally started to show, and then i started to feel the pain it was not fun. 

not gonna lie, I have a fairly high tolerance for pain but this was a little different seeing I can't numb the pain with the usual stuff and whats worse I couldn't say a word for 3 days straight. That was actually the hard part seeing I tend to run my mouth a lot, what makes it more painful is that I couldn't eat the foods I like. I was on a liquid and ice cream diet the ice cream was great but when everyone around you are eating steaks, salads barbecue and other things god damn that was difficult. Managed to pull through that and now I can talk albeit with a bit of a lisp, and I can eat some solid foods not all but I should be okay.

I can feel the stitches on the back of my mouth and its still kinda gross but I'm not taking my chances so Im going to be extra careful with what I eat and how I talk to people.

Anyways as for videos and reviews I will start recording and uploading on my youtube channel


New Items I'm currently waiting on my accel driver from cstoys

Items I just got before my absence
gokai saber and sh figuarts kamen rider black, and kamen rider black rx

More to come as well as something special for anyone who subscribes to my channel I will keep you all posted

they let me keep the teeth that they took out look at how huge that thing is
and no I didn't keep it i just kept it for awhile till I took this picture.
(and yes they cleaned it, and I cleaned it again before I took the picture lol)

I am projekt..... I smash trolls

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