Thanos is a nice figure in my collection. Got him a long time ago from my buddy Winson who owns Comicland the store where I buy a majority of my figures from.
I'll make my criticisms on this short and concise
-he is huge
-comicbook accurate
-infinity gauntlet
-comes with Death statue with a removable face
-lack of accessories (Death statue is not enough)
-not very poseable , and not a lot of articulation
-no effect part or stage
I recommend him only if you are a fan of the character or would like to own a massive villain from the comics.
If you can get him at a reasonable price then pick him up because he is a good figure to have on display.
here is my review on the figure.
please rate comment and subscribe
check out comicland if your in vancouver, they can order this stuff among other neat items
check them out if your ever in my part of town, they got everything from
-marvel legends
-just tell him what your looking for and he will let you know if he can get the stuff for you and most of the time he can tell him richard sent you
(got some of my figuarts from him, expect a vlog for some of the new stuff)
"smashing trolls since '85"
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Just some random new stuff
Its been awhile since I've posted something new so might as well do so now seeing I'm healthy again
(see previous blog posting)
I had bought these items quite some time ago but I just decided to post the vlog as well as this blog posting about them. Might as well seeing I have no ideas at this point on what to post next lol.
I decided to get the demo-used accel driver because I had wanted this item for quite some time now,
it doesn't help that I saw TJOmega's review on the damn thing and it was convincing enough that I jumped at the chance to get this when Mr. S decided to sell the driver. Here's the link to the store check out their stuff
just because I got the accel driver I had to buy the trial memory seeing it was fairly cheap and still available
got it from HLJ but due to the post office strike it got delayed longer than it should have. And once I got this item I love this gaiamemory to death its really neat and the mini game for this thing is addictive. I also finally got the SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Black and Black RX, took them long enough to show up. I was pretty pissed seeing the post office decided to charge me extra tax for these things but what can you do.
The last thing I got was the Gokai Saber that comes with the gokai yellow ranger key. Its neat and its fairly huge so it looks like something you can wield and smash trolls with.
Plus I've been hanging out at Comicland checking out some of their new stuff and talking comics and tv shows with the owner. They've got a lot of new stuff now so check them out if you are in my neck of the woods
heres the link to the store: tell him projekt sent you
Among other things now that I'm back Im going to party it up and start doing more vlogs and reviews just because I can. I will keep you posted on whats coming up soon.
check out the channel and follow me on twitter while your at it lol subscribe too if you want
"smashing trolls, since 1985"
(see previous blog posting)
I had bought these items quite some time ago but I just decided to post the vlog as well as this blog posting about them. Might as well seeing I have no ideas at this point on what to post next lol.
I decided to get the demo-used accel driver because I had wanted this item for quite some time now,
it doesn't help that I saw TJOmega's review on the damn thing and it was convincing enough that I jumped at the chance to get this when Mr. S decided to sell the driver. Here's the link to the store check out their stuff
just because I got the accel driver I had to buy the trial memory seeing it was fairly cheap and still available
got it from HLJ but due to the post office strike it got delayed longer than it should have. And once I got this item I love this gaiamemory to death its really neat and the mini game for this thing is addictive. I also finally got the SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Black and Black RX, took them long enough to show up. I was pretty pissed seeing the post office decided to charge me extra tax for these things but what can you do.
The last thing I got was the Gokai Saber that comes with the gokai yellow ranger key. Its neat and its fairly huge so it looks like something you can wield and smash trolls with.
Plus I've been hanging out at Comicland checking out some of their new stuff and talking comics and tv shows with the owner. They've got a lot of new stuff now so check them out if you are in my neck of the woods
heres the link to the store: tell him projekt sent you
Among other things now that I'm back Im going to party it up and start doing more vlogs and reviews just because I can. I will keep you posted on whats coming up soon.
check out the channel and follow me on twitter while your at it lol subscribe too if you want
"smashing trolls, since 1985"
kamen rider,
troll smashing
Monday, 25 July 2011
Back in good health
I've been away for awhile seeing I just had my wisdom teeth extracted. I decided to get all 4 of them done seeing that I would rather deal with all of them now rather than have to come back and do it all over again.
It was a good decision on my part seeing that it was a bit of a pain (both literally, and physically) due to the fact that it took three kinds of anesthetics to put me to sleep, injection , gas then an IV, when I finally woke up I had been moved to a different room and I didnt even realize I was out cold for about 2 hours (3 if you count the hour it took for the extraction). Totally felt fine when I got up, no swelling which was great news...... right well only temporarily the swelling finally started to show, and then i started to feel the pain it was not fun.
not gonna lie, I have a fairly high tolerance for pain but this was a little different seeing I can't numb the pain with the usual stuff and whats worse I couldn't say a word for 3 days straight. That was actually the hard part seeing I tend to run my mouth a lot, what makes it more painful is that I couldn't eat the foods I like. I was on a liquid and ice cream diet the ice cream was great but when everyone around you are eating steaks, salads barbecue and other things god damn that was difficult. Managed to pull through that and now I can talk albeit with a bit of a lisp, and I can eat some solid foods not all but I should be okay.
I can feel the stitches on the back of my mouth and its still kinda gross but I'm not taking my chances so Im going to be extra careful with what I eat and how I talk to people.
Anyways as for videos and reviews I will start recording and uploading on my youtube channel
New Items I'm currently waiting on my accel driver from cstoys
Items I just got before my absence
gokai saber and sh figuarts kamen rider black, and kamen rider black rx
More to come as well as something special for anyone who subscribes to my channel I will keep you all posted
they let me keep the teeth that they took out look at how huge that thing is
and no I didn't keep it i just kept it for awhile till I took this picture.
(and yes they cleaned it, and I cleaned it again before I took the picture lol)
I am projekt..... I smash trolls
wisdom tooth,
Friday, 15 July 2011
why rider strike is a tool
*one word of warning i do go off on this blogpost so i do swear a bit in this one*
*and yes I have edited a portion of this post seeing I have calmed down a bit*
So Im just gonna go off on my blog seeing that I decided to avoid the craziness of the cstoys chat this evening.
This dude Rider Strike comes out of nowhere and decides to make a comment regarding people who do reviews on YouTube, flat out calling other reviewers as inferior and pathetic seeing our videos are "low quality" compared to other reviewers (he names Zeron, Horatio, and Soundout as the reviewers he likes) thus because of the "low quality" of our videos by comparison we don't "try hard" when we make these videos. Dude basically says the rest of us suck compared to the people he likes (nothing against the reviewers he mentioned, they make great reviews but don't diss the rest of us just cus u like them).
My response his statement is ""you sir are a tool"
here are the reasons why you are a tool
1. who in the blue hell are you?
2. unless your Michael Bay, the dudes from PIXAR or some guy whose famous in hollywood, hell even if your the RRR guys. If your not on these ppls level or are these ppl you sir can fuck off with your opinions on "low quality". criticism is fine but your statement implied that your someone who is the end all and be all of reviewers so u sounded all high and mighty
3. you probably don't even have your own channel and if you do, chances are your just like the rest of us.
4. we still dont know who the fuck you are or what hole you came from
5. your a troll
6. you talk like your better than us
7. no one knows who the hell you are
8. the stuff you post in the cstoys chat makes no sense and doesn't really help with what is going on in the chat
9 you sir are still a troll
*yes 1, 3, and 7 are the same thing but seriously we don't know who you are
*yes 5 and 9 are also the same.... i would call you something else but troll seems to be the most appropriate term for you
Criticism is fine, we like who like on YouTube, but don't say people don't try hard when they make their videos. Don't get me wrong im no expert or anything im just another guy who does reviews and uploads videos on his youtube channel just like everyone else. Hell even i think my videos kinda suck. Even I don't like some reviewers, and even if i don't like them I would never ever say that they don't put any effort into the videos they put up. I've been criticized myself and thats fine and in those criticisms no one has ever said I don't try to do my best when I record and edit videos. The fact that people record and upload videos on places like YouTube means they are putting themselves out there for criticism whether it be positive or negative but I doubt anyone would down right say no one tries hard or puts any effort in a video cus that would not be true.
There are reasons why some people have "low quality" videos out there
-they dont have the luxury to afford the expensive cameras and video editing programs
-some people are doing this for fun, not for anything else
-not much time to edit
-new to doing vlogs and reviews and not used to using editing programs
-some reviewers are still working on their style
-they don't have the funds to get the stuff other people get
-people have lives outside of YouTube, the time they spend reviewing might actually be their free time
Some people do this for fun, other do it to make money, but everyone who has ever put up a video has put some semblance of effort in getting it onto YouTube, so you have no right to say no one tries, you can say they are not as good as others but thats about it. I don't mind criticism at all hell I think my own videos suck, even though some people like them. Its fine to have an opinion but don't belittle the rest of us just cus you like other peoples videos better
I am calling you a tool because you did not think before you posted your statement. Opinions and criticisms are fine but insults like that which belittle the rest of us is the source of this rant of mine thus making you a tool.
(and yes im well aware im dissing you but I don't like you because you practically insulted a lot of us with your comment, some people didn't understand but myself and a few others did) I've actually edited this posting several times now and I'm actually being "nice" in this post.
This is just my personal opinion, if you don't like it its my opinion and yes I am calling you a tool because you deserve it and im still annoyed about your comment, I'm not the only one who thinks so. Deal with it!
Now Hit My Music
This is projekt I smash trolls its what i do best
*and yes I have edited a portion of this post seeing I have calmed down a bit*
So Im just gonna go off on my blog seeing that I decided to avoid the craziness of the cstoys chat this evening.
This dude Rider Strike comes out of nowhere and decides to make a comment regarding people who do reviews on YouTube, flat out calling other reviewers as inferior and pathetic seeing our videos are "low quality" compared to other reviewers (he names Zeron, Horatio, and Soundout as the reviewers he likes) thus because of the "low quality" of our videos by comparison we don't "try hard" when we make these videos. Dude basically says the rest of us suck compared to the people he likes (nothing against the reviewers he mentioned, they make great reviews but don't diss the rest of us just cus u like them).
My response his statement is ""you sir are a tool"
here are the reasons why you are a tool
1. who in the blue hell are you?
2. unless your Michael Bay, the dudes from PIXAR or some guy whose famous in hollywood, hell even if your the RRR guys. If your not on these ppls level or are these ppl you sir can fuck off with your opinions on "low quality". criticism is fine but your statement implied that your someone who is the end all and be all of reviewers so u sounded all high and mighty
3. you probably don't even have your own channel and if you do, chances are your just like the rest of us.
4. we still dont know who the fuck you are or what hole you came from
5. your a troll
6. you talk like your better than us
7. no one knows who the hell you are
8. the stuff you post in the cstoys chat makes no sense and doesn't really help with what is going on in the chat
9 you sir are still a troll
*yes 1, 3, and 7 are the same thing but seriously we don't know who you are
*yes 5 and 9 are also the same.... i would call you something else but troll seems to be the most appropriate term for you
Criticism is fine, we like who like on YouTube, but don't say people don't try hard when they make their videos. Don't get me wrong im no expert or anything im just another guy who does reviews and uploads videos on his youtube channel just like everyone else. Hell even i think my videos kinda suck. Even I don't like some reviewers, and even if i don't like them I would never ever say that they don't put any effort into the videos they put up. I've been criticized myself and thats fine and in those criticisms no one has ever said I don't try to do my best when I record and edit videos. The fact that people record and upload videos on places like YouTube means they are putting themselves out there for criticism whether it be positive or negative but I doubt anyone would down right say no one tries hard or puts any effort in a video cus that would not be true.
There are reasons why some people have "low quality" videos out there
-they dont have the luxury to afford the expensive cameras and video editing programs
-some people are doing this for fun, not for anything else
-not much time to edit
-new to doing vlogs and reviews and not used to using editing programs
-some reviewers are still working on their style
-they don't have the funds to get the stuff other people get
-people have lives outside of YouTube, the time they spend reviewing might actually be their free time
Some people do this for fun, other do it to make money, but everyone who has ever put up a video has put some semblance of effort in getting it onto YouTube, so you have no right to say no one tries, you can say they are not as good as others but thats about it. I don't mind criticism at all hell I think my own videos suck, even though some people like them. Its fine to have an opinion but don't belittle the rest of us just cus you like other peoples videos better
I am calling you a tool because you did not think before you posted your statement. Opinions and criticisms are fine but insults like that which belittle the rest of us is the source of this rant of mine thus making you a tool.
(and yes im well aware im dissing you but I don't like you because you practically insulted a lot of us with your comment, some people didn't understand but myself and a few others did) I've actually edited this posting several times now and I'm actually being "nice" in this post.
This is just my personal opinion, if you don't like it its my opinion and yes I am calling you a tool because you deserve it and im still annoyed about your comment, I'm not the only one who thinks so. Deal with it!
Now Hit My Music
This is projekt I smash trolls its what i do best
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Extended holidays and megahauls (3 days worth)
Just got back from holidays and getting back to the flow of being back to work.
So didn't get a chance to update the blog with all the things I've been up to , doing vlogs and reviews
Here's what I ended up getting in between vlogs and blog postings since being back from my short vacation.
and today Im actually sick so might as well update the blog now while im home.
These are what I ended up getting in the mail since the postal strike ended up here in Canada
-gokai cellular
-gokai spear
-UFC figures George "Rush" St. Pierre, Frank Mir, Rich "Ace" Franklin
-Faster (Blu-ray movie) * its not mine my bro bought it at walmart when he came with me
*items purchased locally (not received in the mail)
Figmas - Siren and Onyx
Figuarts - Shadowmoon, Birth and Agito

*GSP is not in the pic as I have put him up on e-bay already
*Faster Blu-Ray already taken by the bro and he's seen it while I have not lol
Looking forward to doing more reviews and blog updates just need to figure out a better schedule
So other than that Im trying to figure out what to do with this blog and my Youtube channel
insert shameless plug now... check out the channels rate comment and subscribe links at the end
projektrdm - "smashing trolls since 1985"
So didn't get a chance to update the blog with all the things I've been up to , doing vlogs and reviews
Here's what I ended up getting in between vlogs and blog postings since being back from my short vacation.
and today Im actually sick so might as well update the blog now while im home.
These are what I ended up getting in the mail since the postal strike ended up here in Canada
-gokai cellular
-gokai spear
-UFC figures George "Rush" St. Pierre, Frank Mir, Rich "Ace" Franklin
-Faster (Blu-ray movie) * its not mine my bro bought it at walmart when he came with me
*items purchased locally (not received in the mail)
Figmas - Siren and Onyx
Figuarts - Shadowmoon, Birth and Agito

*GSP is not in the pic as I have put him up on e-bay already
*Faster Blu-Ray already taken by the bro and he's seen it while I have not lol
Looking forward to doing more reviews and blog updates just need to figure out a better schedule
So other than that Im trying to figure out what to do with this blog and my Youtube channel
insert shameless plug now... check out the channels rate comment and subscribe links at the end
projektrdm - "smashing trolls since 1985"
Monday, 4 July 2011
Channel Updates
I've finally uploaded a vlog after a month of inactivity.
I'm gonna start by doing reviews again probably starting with the marvel legends line of figures
then back to figuarts once my orders start showing up.
heres whats coming up
Marvel Legends
Capt. America
Ironman Hulkbuster Armor
Thanos and Death
OOOs gatakiriba
Skull Crystal
Another Agito
Good times
"smashing trolls since 1985"
I'm gonna start by doing reviews again probably starting with the marvel legends line of figures
then back to figuarts once my orders start showing up.
heres whats coming up
Marvel Legends
Capt. America
Ironman Hulkbuster Armor
Thanos and Death
OOOs gatakiriba
Skull Crystal
Another Agito
Good times
"smashing trolls since 1985"
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