Seeing that I am watching DOTM tonite here is my advice on how to have a fun experience watching comic book movies
1. lower your expectations (lower them as much as u can if ur a fanboy of the franchise the movie is being adapted from, if your a hardcore fanboy really and I mean lower your expectations to rock bottom)
2. if you can't do number 1 then come drunk trust me if it sucks might as well numb the pain
3. bring someone who has no clue about the franchise itself (they will be asking a lot of questions and will make u feel like a genius) I REPEAT DO NOT BRING A TROLL
4. the more the merrier, bring more than one friend (preferably fans seeing you don't want to be asked question by a lot of ppl it will get annoying)
5. wear something comfortable (trust me if its a long ass movie u dont want to be wearing tight jeans you will chaffe lol (not based on personal experience lol)
6. don't bring your girlfriend (chances are she is not used to your fanboy personality yet dont show it to her during the movies, you will not get laid if you burst into hardcore fanboy)
*if she's a fan herself just hope shes not a bigger fan than you, i guarantee that she might emasculate you if you say something that isn't canon in the franchise so no b.s.
7. show up early if its a premiere, you do not want to be waiting in the back of the line then get shitty seats (or you can preoorder and get reserved seating apparently they do those now)
8. if waiting in a line up bring a handheld electronic device (ipod, psp, gameboy whatever else your mind can think of)
9. take the back seats but sit on the edge (Why? because more elbow room, you dont have to say excuse me everytime you have to get up, and if your single u get to meet interesting ppl who try to get by u, you get to meet new friends or a soon to be gf lol)
10. if the movie looks like it sucks dont pay to watch it get someone else to pay for you. SHITTY MOVIES ARE ALWAYS FUN WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY TO SEE IT.
"smashing trolls since 1985"
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