Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Why I do what I do........ (post adsense debacle)

Hello All,

I took a bit of a break after getting pissed off with adsense (because they blocked my account thus i can never earn revenue, and their horrible customer support or lack thereof)  but come to think of it this was a blessing in disguise as I realized why I started doing Youtube reviews as well a this blog in the first place. After much time away from my computer (meaning the blog  and my channel) I realized I started the blog and the channel for fun. I did it so I can talk about the things I like and to show off my collection and inform people on how to get their hands on these items as well. I also wanted to help collectors both experienced and new on which figures to start and give them advice on what figures are worth getting. Don't get me wrong its up to them what they buy or don't buy but if my review on the channel or the blog helps that's great it's just there to help give them as much info as possible before they buy. Not only that I just did it because it was fun for me and I got to try some new things on my computer and it kept me busy

So to be perfectly honest I don't really need adsense, (even if the revenue would have been a nice bonus) because I have managed to acquire my collection without them, and I will continue to do so inspite of having my adsense account blocked. If I get partner or get adsense back I might not even use it so whatever happens happens. I have a lot of time on my hands. So google adsense you can go take your support network shine it up real nice and stick it straight up your candy ass. Never needed ya, nor will I ever support anything you ppl do and my advice don't call yourself adsense support when there is none.

Now that I'm back I'm going to continue doing reviews, posting stuff on the blog and do what I always do
Watch money, drink beer, get good looking women and smash trolls.

and for the record I still think RS is still a tool.....
as well as a certain individual I know but I'll save smashing him for later

This is projekt
-I smash trolls-

check out the following blogs and channels and stores (if i didnt mention the blogs they are on the links to the right)



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