Back with another blog post this time its a new haul
This purchase was made @ Amiami I don't even remember what I had on order till I looked at my invoice but really its not a big a haul compared to some of the stuff I bought in the past but whatever
This is what I ended up getting
S.H. Figuarts Gokai Blue w. gokai darin
Super Robot Chogokin Gokaioh
Ranger Key Set DX
*Candy Toy Ranger Key Set 5 (Tricera Ranger, Geki Blue, Go-on Wings, Spade Ace)
*let me know if I got the set number correctly for these keys lol i totally forgot
Extra haul
Spiderman Trilogy on Blu-ray
Resident Evil Trilogy on Blu-ray
* $14 a set why the hell not
I probably will do a review on the Gokaioh or Gokai Blue but I so am totally behind on recording videos
(im totally procrastinating by the way). I've also joined a podcast (well I show up as much as I can but due to other commitments I cant do so as frequently as I would like) called Ani X Toku *the link to the podcast blog is below* with fellow youtube reviewers GundamLegacyExtreme, Wheelchair21, ExtremeEnigmafy and Werewolffinder . We got a lot of interesting things going on during the podcast, toku news, opinions on figures as well as episode summaries as well me being drunk sometimes not always, Wheelchair and his serious time are some of the entertaining things we do during the podcast.
Check it out when you get the chance
Besides the podcast Ani X Toku and the blogs I dont know what else I will be doing but I know for a fact my schedule is fully booked we shall see if I can get all my projects done in time and then I can start recording and blogging more frequently.
Key Set DX, CT ranger key set 5, SRC Gokaioh, Gokai Blue w. bonus |
$28 bux combined why the hell not |
Just a glimpse of the figuarts I own so far that are not in box lol its a mess right now |
Check out these stores for some good stuff
check out the facebook group as well and JOIN!
Check out the Podcast blog for news or to listen to the podcast (its some entertaining stuff I tells ya)
and check out the following blogs and youtube channels